1.866.316.7268 info@samuraitours.com
WPCS 2.1.3
1.866.316.7268 info@samuraitours.com
WPCS 2.1.3


Rick Hayes

Central Japan Self Guided
August 29, 2019 - January 1, 1970
I think the trip was as good as it possibly could have have been. Great setup, great communication, and super helpful people. The typhoon at the end sure made an adventure of things, adding a 9 hour taxi ride and 20 hours in Narita to the trip, but there\'s no accounting for Mother Nature. I\'ll be reaching out to you guys again about another trip after the Olympics are over. ____________________________________________________ Thank you so much for your kind words and great review of your tour with us! We so appreciate the feedback and we are so glad you had a great time. We try very hard to make sure each person's trip with us is very special, and we are so happy that we met your expectations. We look forward to working with you again and seeing you in Japan! ~ Samurai Tours Staff
The itinerary was very well laid out and provided plenty of time to make connections without being rushed. The flexibility was nice too; I was totally done with big cities after a couple of days in Tokyo so skipped Kamakura and went straight to Hakone to get back in the mountains.
Great spots, Tenseien and Takayama Ouan especially.
Tsuyoshi was great. Lots of good conversation, even when the topics got weird like what kind of cicadas Tokyo has versus Osaka or who has the best anmitsu in Asakusa.
Pre-Tour Handbook
Again, well laid out and easy to follow.
Tour Organization
Got everything in a little zippered pouch with dates on the ticket holders. Nice to have after a long trip and fried brain; makes it easy to look over the next morning at breakfast.
Tour Transportation
Convenient timings on trains, and taking the bus in from the airport was so much more relaxing than going from plane to train...

Would you go on another tour operating by Samurai Tours: Yes!

Would you recommend Samurai Tours to friends or family: Yes!